

    UiTM is providing an opportunity for excellent Malaysian and international students to pursue their undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) by offering them the UiTM Endowment Scholarship, the first of its kind in UiTM. The scholarship will not only cover academic tuition fees but also a rewarding monthly allowance. For the year 2024, more than 28 scholarships will be awarded to selected students categorised as follows:

    •    Undergraduate scholarships for Malaysian citizens
    •    Postgraduate scholarships for Malaysian citizens
    •    Postgraduate scholarships for international students studying at UiTM in the stipulated prioritised areas.

    The best candidates who have been offered to further their studies full time at Universiti Teknologi MARA are invited to apply for the UiTM Endowment Scholarship.

    Terms and Condition
    General Terms
    1. Open to undergraduate and postgraduate full-time (research mode) students. Open to undergraduate and postgraduate full-time (all studies mode) for disabilities (OKU) students.  
    2. Is not a recipient of any scholarship or financial assistance from any organisation (Except zakat, dermasiswa, gift, financial assistance for disabilites (BKOKU) under Ministry of Higher Learning (KPT) or any one-off type of scholarship).
    3. Should receive exemption/postponement of service contract or loan repayment from previous sponsors for studies undertaken prior to applying for this scholarship.
    4. Is not working and does not have a fixed income (UiTM clinical students are excluded).
    5. Has no criminal record.
    6. Is not in serious debt or is bankrupt.
    7. Has not been blacklisted by any government agency (Malaysia / international).
    8. Disabilities (OKU) student must registered with Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM).
    9. Disabilities (OKU) student must registered with Unit Perkhidmatan OKU UiTM.


    Scholarship Period

    Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Doctoral
    Maximum duration of scholarship is three to five (3-5) years depending on the recipient’s programme. Maximum duration of scholarship is two (2) years. Maximum duration of scholarship is three (3) years.
    Scholarship recipients need to complete their studies within the scholarship’s maximum stipulated duration. Any extension of studies will be borne by the recipient himself/herself.

    Scholarship Value

    Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree
    (Local Citizen)
    (Local Citizen)
    Master’s Degree

    RM 10,000.00 yearly
    allowance plus tuition fees (to be paid directly to the university)

    RM 24,000.00 yearly
    allowance plus tuition fees (to be paid directly to the university)

    RM 36,000.00 yearly
    allowance plus tuition fees (to be paid directly to the university)

    RM 30,000.00 yearly
    allowance plus tuition fees (to be paid directly to the university)

    RM 42,000.00 yearly
    allowance plus tuition fees (to be paid directly to the university)

    Additional terms and conditions for Bachelor's Degree
    Academic qualification:
    1. Passed Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with CGPA ≥ 3.5 or
    2. Matriculation KPM or Foundation from government university with CGPA ≥ 3.8; or
    3. Passed certified Diploma with CGPA ≥ 3.75 and completed in the stipulated duration.

    Academic qualification for disabilites (OKU):
    1. Passed Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with CGPA ≥ 3.0 or
    2. Matriculation KPM or Foundation from government university with CGPA ≥ 3.0; or
    3. Passed certified Diploma with CGPA ≥ 3.0 and completed in the stipulated duration.

    Other terms:
    1. At least in semester 1 of study (Full time mode). For applicant in the semester 2 and above of study must possess CGPA ≥ 3.5 (for disabilities (OKU) student, must possess CGPA ≥ 3.0).
    2. Does not exceed 23 years old (for disablities (OKU) student, does not exceed 30 years old).
    3. Passes the interview.
    4. Has never been subjected to any sponsorship termination during his/her studies at any level due to disciplinary action or in violation of national laws.
    5. An applicant who is still in the service should show proof of unpaid study leave or written resignation from employer.
    6. Successful candidates are subject to the terms and conditions of UiTM Endowment scholarship.

    Additional terms and conditions for Master's Degree

    Academic qualification:
    1. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study from a university that is recognized by the Malaysian government with a CGPA of;
    • ≥ 3.50 (local)
    • ≥ 3.75 (international)
    • or first class for the previous studies; and support from the faculty on applicants’ initial research proposal.
    2. Applicants who do not meet CGPA’s requirement will only be considered if they have at least three years of work experience in the related field.

    Academic qualification for disabilities (OKU):
    1. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study from a university that is recognized by the Malaysian government with a CGPA of;
    • ≥ 3.0 and support from the faculty on applicants’ initial research proposal (for research mode).
    2. Applicants who do not meet CGPA’s requirement will only be considered if they have at least three years of work experience in the related field.

    Other terms:
    1. Has received official offer letter as a full-time student for the first year of study in UiTM.
    2. Does not exceed 35 years old (for disabilities (OKU) student, does not exceed 40 years old).
    3. Open to applicants for research mode only (for disabilities (OKU), open for all studies mode).
    4. Passes the interview.
    5. Has never been subjected to any sponsorship termination during his/her studies at any level due to disciplinary action or in violation of national laws.
    6. An applicant who is still in the service should show proof of unpaid study leave or written resignation from employer. 
    7. Successful candidates are subject to the terms and conditions of UiTM Endowment fund scholarship.

    Additional terms and conditions for Doctoral
    Academic qualification:
    1. Applicants must have a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field of study from a university that is recognized by the Malaysian government with a CGPA of;
    • ≥ 3.75 
    • or first class for the previous studies; and support from the faculty on applicants’ initial research proposal.
    2. Applicants who do not meet CGPA’s requirement will only be considered if they have at least three years of work experience in the related field.

    Academic qualification for disabilities (OKU):
    1. Applicants must have a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field of study from a university that is recognized by the Malaysian government with a CGPA of;
    • ≥ 3.0 and support from the faculty on applicants’ initial research proposal.
    2. Applicants who do not meet CGPA’s requirement will only be considered if they have at least three years of work experience in the related field.

    Other terms:
    1. Has received official offer letter as a full-time student for the first year of study in UiTM.
    2. Does not exceed 35 years old (for disabilities (OKU) student, does not exceed 45 years old).
    3. Open to applicants for research mode only (for disabilites (OKU), open for all studies mode).
    4. Passes the interview.
    5. Has never been subjected to any sponsorship termination during his/her studies at any level due to disciplinary action or in violation of national laws.
    6. An applicant who is still in the service should show proof of unpaid study leave or written resignation from employer.
    7. Successful candidates are subject to the terms and conditions of UiTM Endowment scholarship.

    Publication requirement (International):
    1. Possess a good publication record with at least two (2) publications in a high impact journal (Scopus / WoS / ISI) or at least four (4) publications in a journal that is related to the applicant’s research field.

    Master's Degree and Doctoral initial research proposal (Maximum 5 pages)
    Format of the research proposal:
    i. Title of the study
    ii. Background of the study
    iii. Problem statement
    iv. Objectives of the study
    v. Literature review
    vi. Methodology
    vii. Expected significant contribution to new knowledge/stakeholders
    viii. References

    Monitoring Mechanism
    1. A Bachelor’s degree scholarship recipient is monitored based on every semester’s final exam results. Recipients need to acquire ≥ 3.5 CGPA to retain the scholarship (for disabilities (OKU) student, ≥ 3.0 CGPA).
    2. A Master’s or Doctoral recipient is monitored every six (6) months whereby he/she is required to present his/her progress report to an appointed scholarship committee member (for disabilities (OKU) student, ≥ 3.0 CGPA for master by coursework).
    3. Recipient’s progress and achievement should include the following and is dependent on the study phase:
    • Research work progress
    • Research publication results
    • Innovation results/ inventions etc.

    Contact Us

    Endowment Unit
    Level 20, Tower 1
    Kompleks Kejuruteraan Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah
    Universiti Teknologi MARA
    40450, Shah Alam
    Selangor, Malaysia

    General Inquiry:
    Email : endowment@uitm.edu.my
    Tel    : +603-5543 5965